We Are Not Your Third Place

Starbucks Wants To Be Your Third Place We (Hartville) have a new Starbucks in our town. It’s a good thing. Did you know that Starbucks wants to be your third place? Third place is a sociology-inspired concept, referring to another place outside the home and work that people can gather and build a sense of […]

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Why Walking Is the Best Exercise for Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain can lead to a vicious cycle of inactivity that only prolongs your discomfort. But what if you could recover more quickly after an episode of back pain? A meta-analysis study from a few years ago examined the effects of walking exercise on pain and self-reported function in individuals with chronic back pain. […]

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World Spine Day 2019

Get Spine Active The theme for this year’s World Spine Day is “Get Spine Active” (#getspineactive). We’ve often heard the phrase ‘movement is medicine’, and keeping your spine mobile while staying active helps to maintain flexibility and prevent back pain. With over 60 joints in your spine, it’s important that they function properly so the […]

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Happy 1st BIRTHday Well Mama!

I am so excited to be celebrating one year of helping women enjoy happier and healthier pregnancies! I have been blessed to be part of more than 50 pregnancies in this community over the past year. More women are understanding the value of improving their health through nutrition, exercise, and chiropractic care and the positive […]

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Nutritional Consultation

You Already Know What Not to Eat Do you have questions about your diet or eating healthy? We offer one-on-one nutritional consultations with Dr. Lauren. Learn to eat better and feel better with a flexible and individualized plan and accountability. Eating is the way to fuel your body for function and performance. Our bodies can’t […]

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Spine related disorder

The First 3 Days Are The Most Important

Data recently released from a large national health insurance company indicates that treating a spine-related back injury within the first three days dramatically decreases the amount of time and money spent on getting the patient back to normal activity. This data was gleaned from over 16 million episodes of non-surgical back pain, and more than […]

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Chiropractic Care for Seniors

One of the big problems today with an aging population is that elderly people run out of options when it comes to managing their aches and pains with medication. This can result in many seniors giving up on doing the things they enjoy. The good news is that you now have a choice when it […]

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Add Activator for Faster Back Pain Relief

Back Pain? Neck Pain? Headaches? When you’re having back pain, neck pain or headaches, every day counts. That’s why most people are already taking pain medication even before they consult a chiropractor. No one has time for back pain. Back pain can affect more than just bending, lifting and twisting. It influences how you feel all […]

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Postpartum Vitamin and Mineral Depletion, Oh My!

If you have ever had a baby you know the incredible strength and knowledge that the human body is capable of. The baby will receive everything it needs to grow and develop from its mother. If you are not replacing those essential nutrients with quality vitamins and minerals it can leave your own body lacking […]

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