The Gallup report went on to say that more than 1/2 of all U.S. adults have visited a chiropractor—that means chiropractic care for neck and back pain is mainstream. In fact, 33.6 million U.S. adults (14 percent) seek chiropractic care each year.

What is Conservative, Mainstream Chiropractic Care?

We provide conservative, mainstream chiropractic care. What do we mean by “conservative” chiropractic care? Conservative means providing medically necessary chiropractic care to patients without sales pressure, long-term recommendations, or unnecessary therapies. It also means working in conjunction with other healthcare providers, including the patient’s medical physician. What do we mean by “mainstream” chiropractic care? We mean providing […]

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back exercises, back pain, back pain relief, lower back pain chiropractic

6 Myths About a Healthy Back

Optimal back health doesn’t come from doing nothing. A healthy back comes from doing the right, optimized amount of exercise—not too much, and not too little. Here is a great 4 minute video by Stuart M. McGill, PhD , director of the Spine Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo. Dr. McGill addresses 6 myths (listed […]

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How do you know when you should go to the chiropractor?

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

How do you know when you should go to the chiropractor? At the time of their discharge, patients often ask me when should they come back to see me. That’s right. I said “discharge” – often an unusual concept in the chiropractic profession. Discharge in this case simply means we have solved the problem and/or […]

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Does your jaw hurt when you chew or open your mouth wide? Do you have pain or soreness in front of the ear, in the jaw muscle, cheek, the teeth or the temples? Do you clench or grind your teeth? Do your jaws click or make noises loud enough to bother you or others? Do you find it difficult to open your mouth wide? Does your jaw ever get stuck/locked as you open it? If so, you likely have temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJD), which is commonly referred to as TMJ.

TMJ Disorder

Are you experiencing TMJ pain? Does your jaw hurt when you chew or open your mouth wide? Do you have pain or soreness in front of the ear, in the jaw muscle, cheek, the teeth or the temples? Do you clench or grind your teeth? Do your jaws click or make noises loud enough to […]

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When you have a health problem, you don't always know what kind of doctor to see. And Google has almost made matters worse. Self-diagnosis via the internet may seem like a good idea, but the overwhelming amount of information can be confusing at best and conflicting at worst. The result is that self-diagnosing patients can end up in the wrong kind of doctor's office. And doctors, for a variety of reasons, can get in the habit of steering patients to just treat within their own specialty or profession even when the patient's presenting problem would be better solved by a different kind of doctor.

What Doctors Could Learn from Miracle on 34th Street

When you have a health problem, you don't always know what kind of doctor to see. And Google has almost made matters worse. Self-diagnosis via the internet may seem like a good idea, but the overwhelming amount of information can be confusing at best and conflicting at worst. The result is that self-diagnosing patients can end up in the wrong kind of doctor's office. And doctors, for a variety of reasons, can get in the habit of steering patients to...

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A critical time to practice good hygiene etiquette is when you are sick, especially when coughing or sneezing.

Rib Pain Due to Coughing

Coughing: Come on, man, you’re doing it wrong! Hygiene etiquette involves practices that prevent the spread of illness and disease. A critical time to practice good hygiene etiquette is when you are sick, especially when coughing or sneezing. The CDC recommends 3 primary ways to cover your cough or sneeze to help stop the spread […]

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One of the most common questions these patients ask is, “What caused my back pain?”  I have found that most of these patients don’t ask this question because they want a detailed explanation of the physiology of back pain. They ask because most of the time they can’t think of anything they did that was different, yet their back hurts more than usual, or the pain is not going away on its own this time.

What Caused My Back Pain?

As a chiropractor, I see a lot of people with low back pain. One of the most common questions these patients ask is, “What caused my back pain?”  I have found that most of these patients don’t ask this question because they want a detailed explanation of the physiology of back pain. They ask because […]

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I really did appreciate a former patient letting me know the outcome of my recommendation, even if it wasn't me who ended up helping him.

Building Trust with Your Chiropractor

I was just sitting down to enjoy my lunch at Mi Casa —the best locally-owned Mexican food restaurant in the area— when a man I didn’t recognize came up to me and said, “Hey, Doc! You probably don’t remember me. I was a patient of yours. You couldn’t help me, but I just wanted to let you […]

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eet Aria, our little super hero. She was diagnosed at seven weeks of age with Tuberous Sclerosis. Tuberous Sclerosis in an uncommon genetic condition which causes noncancerous growths (benign tumors), in parts of the body, most commonly in the brain, eyes, kidneys, heart, lungs and skin, although any part of the body can be affected.

Aria’s Story

Meet Aria, our little super hero. She was diagnosed at seven weeks of age with Tuberous Sclerosis. Tuberous Sclerosis in an uncommon genetic condition which causes noncancerous growths (benign tumors), in parts of the body, most commonly in the brain, eyes, kidneys, heart, lungs and skin, although any part of the body can be affected. […]

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World Spine Day, October 16 each year, is a global day of action to highlight the burden of spinal pain and disability and promote optimum spinal health. The theme for this year’s World Spine Day (#worldspineday) is “Back on Track” (#backontrack).

Back on Track

“BACK ON TRACK” WORLD SPINE DAY 2020 THEME ANNOUNCED World Spine Day, October 16 each year, is a global day of action to highlight the burden of spinal pain and disability and promote optimum spinal health. The theme for this year’s World Spine Day (#worldspineday) is “Back on Track” (#backontrack). The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in […]

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