Most back pain is caused by muscle and ligament strain or weakness, and should go away within 2-3 days without necessarily seeing a chiropractic doctor. However, consult a chiropractor if your back pain: Does not improve with rest, ice and over-the-counter medications. Is severe or lasts longer than a 2-3 days. Is the result of a slip, fall or injury. Is accompanied by fever, trouble passing urine, numbness in your lower legs or muscle weakness.

Most back pain is caused by muscle and ligament strain or weakness, and should go away within 2-3 days without necessarily seeing a chiropractic doctor.

However, consult a chiropractor if your back pain:

8 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Low-Back Pain

5 Tips To Reduce Low-Back Pain

If you’re still having low-back pain, please contact us to set up a consultation to find out if we can help you get back faster.

The most effective, evidence-informed complementary and alternative medicine to help you get back faster to what matters most.