I really did appreciate a former patient letting me know the outcome of my recommendation, even if it wasn't me who ended up helping him.

Building Trust with Your Chiropractor

I was just sitting down to enjoy my lunch at Mi Casa —the best locally-owned Mexican food restaurant in the area— when a man I didn’t recognize came up to me and said, “Hey, Doc! You probably don’t remember me. I was a patient of yours. You couldn’t help me, but I just wanted to let you know I’m doing good.”

I must have looked a bit confused because he continued, “I came in to see you a couple years ago, and after a few visits you told me you couldn’t help me and referred me to a back surgeon. I just wanted you to know I’m doing great. Thanks!”

“You’re welcome. Thanks for letting me know,” I said. “I really appreciate that.”

It’s true. I really did appreciate a former patient letting me know the outcome of my recommendation, even if it wasn’t me who ended up helping him. Granted, I had received his surgical notes from the orthopedist I sent him to, so I knew the surgery was successful in the short term. What I don’t always hear about is the long-term outcome—and knowing outcomes helps me to be a better chiropractor.

This encounter with my former patient was an affirmation to me about how I practice, and the culture of our office. With targeted chiropractic care, massage therapy or a combination of both, we help a lot of people with back pain, neck pain and headaches. But, as with any type of healthcare, we can’t always help everybody. When we cannot help a patient, we tell them, and we also help them with next steps. In this case, it was spine surgery, but sometimes it is referring them to a physical therapist. The bottom line is we help you solve your problem.

Trust matters when you are making healthcare decisions. You can trust that we will provide all the care and only the care known to be effective. Request an appointment today.


  1. I’ve always said that Doc has an amazing resemblance to Kevin Spacey…but how did you ever get Angelina Jolie to play the role of the patient in this photo?? Sign me up!!

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