Chiropractic Care for Seniors

One of the big problems today with an aging population is that elderly people run out of options when it comes to managing their aches and pains with medication. This can result in many seniors giving up on doing the things they enjoy. The good news is that you now have a choice when it comes to managing your back pain and neck pain as well as other complaints.  No matter what else you may be doing to deal with your pain, the drug-free, non-invasive solutions we provide can help you manage your pain safely and effectively.

“No matter what else you may be doing to deal with your pain, the drug-free, non-invasive solutions we provide can help you manage your pain safely and effectively.”

When people are younger, they often take over-the-counter pain relief medication without giving a second thought to side-effects and adverse drug reactions. But with normal aging, people often have to manage major health issues—heart disease, cancer, kidney problems—with medication. As a result, the risks of taking medication for pain often outweigh the benefits. 

Today’s chiropractic care with The Activator Method® is an ideal choice for patients who can no longer use medication to manage their back pain and neck pain as well as other complaints. It is also the preferred way to perform spinal manipulation if you have been diagnosed with arthritisosteoporosis or other bone-weakening conditions. And, it is ideal if you have had previous back surgery. Dr. Weisel specializes in this state-of-the-art method of chiropractic manipulative therapy and is a nationally known expert in this chiropractic technique. 

Chiropractic services are covered by Medicare, and Dr. Weisel and Dr. Luaren are participating providers with Medicare, PrimeTime Health Plan, SummaCare Secure as well as most other major health insurance plans.

If you or someone you love is running out of options, consider today’s chiropractic care—safe, gentle and effective.

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