How do you know when you should go to the chiropractor?

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

How do you know when you should go to the chiropractor? At the time of their discharge, patients often ask me when should they come back to see me. That’s right. I said “discharge” – often an unusual concept in the chiropractic profession. Discharge in this case simply means we have solved the problem and/or […]

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When you have a health problem, you don't always know what kind of doctor to see. And Google has almost made matters worse. Self-diagnosis via the internet may seem like a good idea, but the overwhelming amount of information can be confusing at best and conflicting at worst. The result is that self-diagnosing patients can end up in the wrong kind of doctor's office. And doctors, for a variety of reasons, can get in the habit of steering patients to just treat within their own specialty or profession even when the patient's presenting problem would be better solved by a different kind of doctor.

What Doctors Could Learn from Miracle on 34th Street

When you have a health problem, you don't always know what kind of doctor to see. And Google has almost made matters worse. Self-diagnosis via the internet may seem like a good idea, but the overwhelming amount of information can be confusing at best and conflicting at worst. The result is that self-diagnosing patients can end up in the wrong kind of doctor's office. And doctors, for a variety of reasons, can get in the habit of steering patients to...

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Chiropractic Care for Seniors

One of the big problems today with an aging population is that elderly people run out of options when it comes to managing their aches and pains with medication. This can result in many seniors giving up on doing the things they enjoy. The good news is that you now have a choice when it […]

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Add Activator for Faster Back Pain Relief

Back Pain? Neck Pain? Headaches? When you’re having back pain, neck pain or headaches, every day counts. That’s why most people are already taking pain medication even before they consult a chiropractor. No one has time for back pain. Back pain can affect more than just bending, lifting and twisting. It influences how you feel all […]

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A Series of Unfortunate Events

As a chiropractor, I see a lot of people with low back and neck pain. One of the most common questions these patients ask is, “What caused my pain?”  I have found that most of these patients don’t ask this question because they want a detailed explanation of the physiology of back pain. They ask […]

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The Comparative Safety of Chiropractic Neck Adjustments

Chiropractic Neck Adjustments are Safe, and Effective Neck pain is a common reason people visit a chiropractor. As many as 12% of people in the US receive chiropractic care in any given year, and a majority of these are treated with chiropractic manipulation, i.e. adjustments. Chiropractic neck adjustments are safe, effective and appropriate treatment for patients with […]

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Chiropractic care is not for everyone.

Chiropractic care is not for everyone. Chiropractic care is a drug-free, noninvasive way to manage pain and improve function. Chiropractic care is not a “cure all” for any and all health problems. Chiropractic care has been shown to be very effective for relieving a variety of common conditions like lower back pain, sciatic leg pain, […]

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Realign Your Own Spine

When your body’s motions are not aligned and balanced, problems are more likely to develop. Using one side of your body far more than the other, for example, can create uneven wear and serious back problems over time. If you don’t have back problems today, you probably will at some point. The more sedentary we’ve […]

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Should I Go to a Chiropractor?

Should you go to a chiropractor? Take this two-minute survey and find out. CLICK HERE or on the image below for a Functional Rating Index. This is a valid and reliable patient assessment tool that we use to monitor neck and/or back pain problems, as well as problems like headaches, fibromyalgia, and extremity injuries. Simply print out the […]

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Chiropractic is good, but…

Good Today’s chiropractic care is good, but chiropractic care used in tandem with massage therapy is even better!   Better We use a tandem approach of chiropractic and massage to optimize results. In addition, our office is more of a spa than a cold, sterile clinic. Traditionally, the chiropractic doctor addressed the neurological system and […]

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