The Check Engine Light

Let’s say you are driving down the road, and all of a sudden you notice that the check engine light has come on. Out of concern, you quickly get your car to a repair shop. After a few minutes, the mechanic says, “Okay, I’ve shut off the check engine light. You’re good to go!” You get back into your car, fire it up and like the mechanic said, the check engine light is no longer on. Life is good.

At least until you’ve driven a few more miles.

Once again, the check engine light appears on your dash. You race back to the repair shop and tell the mechanic that the check engine light is back on again. A few minutes later, the mechanic returns and tells you that he has once again shut off the dread check engine light and that you are free to go.

Without fail, you drive a few more miles and the check engine light returns. You take the car back to the repair shop, and this time, the mechanic says, “Wow! That’s a pesky check engine light you have. I cut the wiring to the light this time. You won’t have to worry about that thing coming on ever again!”

How many of you would accept this as an answer to the issues with your car? Likely no one.

The bigger question is: How many of us accept similar treatment when it comes to our health?

Symptoms (like a check engine light) are you body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. You can choose to ignore or dull them temporarily, but the underlying cause doesn’t go away.

If you have persistent back pain, neck pain or headache, call our office today!

Reposted with permission from Anthony Davis, DC of  Davis Health


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