Add Activator for Faster Back Pain Relief

Back Pain? Neck Pain? Headaches? When you’re having back pain, neck pain or headaches, every day counts. That’s why most people are already taking pain medication even before they consult a chiropractor. No one has time for back pain. Back pain can affect more than just bending, lifting and twisting. It influences how you feel all […]

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Resolution of Lingering Lower Back Pain with Activator Methods Chiropractic Care | A Case Study

A 41 year-old female recently consulted our office for lingering lower back pain that had started “for no reason.” As a mom with three kids, she liked to exercise to stay fit and relieve stress. She was a self-described “social runner” who ran 3-4 miles a week with her friends. Unfortunately, because her low back […]

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When OTC Medications Are a Poor Choice for Pain Relief

As a chiropractor, I’ve often said that my competition is not the other chiropractor down the street. My competition is over-the-counter drugs, such as Tylenol, medications that “self-treating” patients use for short-term relief. OTC drugs like acetaminophen, e.g. Tylenol, are the most common approach used to “self-treat” for back pain, neck pain and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, a medical […]

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Chiropractor Back Pain

Evaluating Chiropractic Care By the Numbers

When you have back pain, the faster you can get back to work, back to the activities you enjoy—back to life in general—the better. Although effective, chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT) is oftentimes dismissed in favor of standard medical care (SMC) only. But what if I told you that chiropractic care could actually get you back faster? […]

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Avoid Back Injury | Tip #3 No BLTs

No BLTs — At Least Not All Three at the Same Time Disclaimer: By “No BLTs” I do not actually mean no bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwiches. I just needed to get your attention, and it’s a good way to remember this tip. Often, after spine surgery, doctors restrict patients in recovery from any and all Bending/Lifting/Twisting. Over the […]

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