An Overview of Chiropractic Care

Generally speaking, there are two chiropractic approaches that are used to alleviate symptoms stemming from nerve irritation in the spine: manual (by hand) spinal manipulation  and instrument assisted spinal manipulation.

When nerve tissue in the spinal column is impinged or irritated, a patient can experience a variety of symptoms. Most commonly, this nerve agitation is caused by a dysfunctional facet joint. This can be complicated by a herniated or bulging disc, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, foraminal stenosis, arthritis in the spine and bone spurs.

Instrument assisted manipulations are performed with a hand-held device that provides a controlled, fast thrust that is comfortable for the patient.

Once the diagnosis of the neck or back problem has been confirmed through a health history and complete chiropractic exam, a number of chiropractic options may be presented. Traditional manual manipulation involves a sudden, forceful movement of the facet joint in order to increase flexibility and movement in that joint. Alternatively, instrument assisted manipulations are performed with a hand-held device that provides a controlled, light and fast thrust that is comfortable for the patient. Instrument assisted manipulations (also known as adjustments) are generally easier to undergo and have less risk than manual manipulation.

The Activator Method is the world’s number one instrument in the chiropractic profession. Dr. Weisel offers instrument assisted manipulation exclusively. In fact, he performs more individual Activator neck and spine procedures per month than any other chiropractic facility in our area. And, the average number of chiropractic treatment sessions required per episode is less (5 compared to the national average of 8). [OptumHealth, 2009]

To learn more about the Activator Method procedure offered at Hartville Health & Wellness Centre, or for a free review of your MRI or x-rays, contact our staff today.

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