Does That Activator Thing Really Work?

It happened again the other day. A new patient came into the office for an evaluation and chiropractic adjustment. She’d been a long time chiropractic consumer, and had visited several other chiropractors in the past. She and her family recently moved to the area, so she was looking for a new chiropractor. I love this […]

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Activator: More Effective and Less Creepy

By Bentley Weisel | Dr. Weisel‘s daughter My dad is a chiropractor. As a chiro-kid*, people are often curious as to what my father does for a living. When I say, “He’s a chiropractor,” I always get the same facial expression; it’s a not-so-subtle combination of intrigue and wincing with absolutely no real knowledge or […]

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An Overview of Chiropractic Care

Generally speaking, there are two chiropractic approaches that are used to alleviate symptoms stemming from nerve irritation in the spine: manual (by hand) spinal manipulation  and instrument assisted spinal manipulation. When nerve tissue in the spinal column is impinged or irritated, a patient can experience a variety of symptoms. Most commonly, this nerve agitation is […]

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