We Love the Lake Township Chamber of Commerce

Top Ten Reasons Why We Love our Local Chamber of Commerce:

10. Our chamber creates a positive environment to promote the success and growth of businesses.

9.  Our chamber reflects the values of the Lake Township community.

8. Our chamber offers significant Workers’ Compensation and healthcare premium savings.

7. Our chamber is a great local community resource for news and information.

6. Our chamber has a strong community outreach.

5. Our chamber has awesome education opportunities.

4. Our chamber hosts fun family events, like the Kelly Miller Circus

3. Our chamber offers FREE marketing and tourism opportunities, Discover Hartville Blog.

2. Our chamber offers regular networking opportunities, like Morning Connections.

1. Our chamber has a great president, Christa Kozy, who does a fantastic job!

Bottom line, we love our chamber because the Lake Chamber takes care of business!



  1. We AGREE 100%

  2. Your local chamber works hard to open business opportunities in your community and your investment in your local chamber is as important as paying your electric bill or even your rent. Join your local chamber today!

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