Spine related disorder

The First 3 Days Are The Most Important

Data recently released from a large national health insurance company indicates that treating a spine-related back injury within the first three days dramatically decreases the amount of time and money spent on getting the patient back to normal activity. This data was gleaned from over 16 million episodes of non-surgical back pain, and more than […]

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Why We Don’t Take X-rays

hen it comes to low back pain and routine x-rays, less is more. Treatment plans for lower back pain no longer require routine x-ray imaging. A 2011 meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials of 1,804 patients with acute or sub-acute lower back pain and signs or symptoms of a specific underlying condition did not find […]

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Spine related disorder

The Most Important Thing You Can Do for a Back Injury

The most important decision you make with a back injury is what kind of doctor you choose to see first. Research indicates that the first doctor seen by a patient with a spine related disorder may be the most important decision that is made. The reason is because the first provider strongly influences what is ordered/prescribed, […]

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