Intrinsic to each and every individual is the potential for growth and change through the power of neuroplasticity.

Through the work of Dr. Svetlana Masgutova and her Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (NRI) Program, Pam Lile, an MNRI practitioner, provides you with the necessary tools and information that your brain requires in order to tap into the very foundations of your neurological development.

Pam Lile, an MNRI practitioner, provides you with the necessary tools and information that your brain requires in order to tap into the very foundations of your neurological development.
Pam Lile
MNRI Practitioner

My name is Pam Lile, MNRI Practitioner. I'm also a mom of nine including a son with a traumatic brain injury. Reflex integration through MNRI has been life-altering for our family. Due to our amazing results, I have dedicated myself to sharing this extraordinary healing modality with others in Northeast Ohio.

Meet Pam

Explore Neuroplasticity with Pam Lile's Expert Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program

Through this subcortical input, neural pathways are formed and fortified leading to consequential and lasting changes in how we think and how we move.

By repairing the foundation at the subcortical level, neural pathways are built that lead to more complex motor patterns and cortical processes.

Whether your struggles are minor and largely invisible, or significant and debilitating, Pam can offer you hope in the potential for healing and restoration through the power of neuroplasticity.

Education & Credentials

MNRI Practitioner

Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program (MNRI)

Start Your Journey to Enhanced Neurological Development and Lasting Change Today!