10 Simple Steps to Healthy Living

I want to share with you a positive experience I had this past weekend. It inspired me to write this article about 10 Simple Steps to a Healthier and Happier You!

Ladies, (sorry guys) if you are looking for a great place to work out locally, you have to check out Ladies Super Fitness on Whitewood Street in North Canton! The atmosphere there is amazing! I love the support and confidence that they are building in the women that exercise there. It is owned by Vanessa and Reider Carlson. They have a vision that is much greater than just fitness. They promote healthy lifestyle change and empowerment to their clients. The facility offers the best equipment, and personal training is included with the membership. The staff personalizes their training to fit each individual’s needs. Vanessa is a physical therapist and assists to make sure each person is safe while performing exercises and using all the equipment properly. Safety is a clear priority at Ladies Super Fitness. What impressed me the most is how much they care about their members. When you walk into the gym they are on a first name basis with all of their members. It shows the amount of time that they take with each person to help them meet their personal goals. They are a family. It is a judgement free place and has a positive energy that is so comfortable to exercise in. I cannot say enough good things about this gym!

On Friday night, I was excited to attend their monthly Ladies Night at the gym. Adrienne Chavers raw chef at Diaita Cold-Pressed Juice in North Canton and founder of Itsrawlicious was the featured speaker. We sampled some of her almond energy bites and veggie chips which were both nutritious and delicious! She shared with us her wealth of knowledge about healthy eating and lifestyle. She wrote a book called Keep it Simple: A Guide to Healthy Eating and Lifestyle. Here are 10 Key Simple Steps that she recommends to keep our bodies healthy. I couldn’t agree more!

10 Key Simple Steps to A Healthier You

1) Food– Our bodies need a healthy diet including live (raw) foods that are minimally processed. Think fruits and vegetables!

2) Cleansing and Elimination– It is important to sweat to flush out toxins, to keep good hygiene habits, and to have regular bowel movements to maintain gut health.

3) Fresh Air– Get outside at least 15 minutes per day, rain or shine, hot or cold weather.

4) Exercise– Our body and muscles were designed to move. Aim for 30 minutes per day 5 days a week at least.

5) Water– Drink half your body weight in ounces per day of water. This will keep you hydrated and help with cleansing and elimination.

6) Sunshine– Another reason to get outside for at least 15 minutes per day. Our bodies need Vitamin D! Many people are deficient in Vitamin D where we live.

7) Rest and Sleep– Sleep is critical for repair of our body. Try for 7-8 hours per night.

8) Stress management– Find a way that works for you to alleviate stress whether it is meditation or exercise. Do something to remove stress.

9) Emotions– Forgive and let go of negative emotions. Strive to create a positive atmosphere by building positive thinking and relationships.

10) Reduction of Oxidative Stress– Free radicals are unstable molecules that interact quickly and aggressively with other molecules in our bodies to create abnormal cells. Free radicals destroy cellular membranes, enzymes and DNA. Oxidative stressors in our environment may cause the vast majority of chronic illness. Eating a healthy diet and exercising both combat free radicals. Adrienne has more information about reducing oxidative stressors.

This information and more is available in Adrienne’s book.  I wanted to share these valuable resources and wonderful places that we have available right in our backyard. Use these simple steps to help work towards a healthier you!


  1. Great article!

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