Relief Doesn’t Get Any Safer Than This
Relief Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This?
I remember seeing a television commercial for our biggest competitor and hearing the voice-over announcer say, “Relief doesn’t get any better than this.” Really? A simple Google search for “side effects of ibuprofen” will show that the side effects include stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, nervousness, skin itching or rash, blurred vision, or ringing in the ears. That’s the best we can do? Relief has to be better than this.
Chiropractic Care Gives Safe and Effective Relief
Providing safe and effective treatment options is one of the main reasons why I chose to be a chiropractic physician. I believe people deserve drug-free, noninvasive options for treating pain and inflammation that “first, do no harm.” In a world where too many people seem to act as if their aches and pains are caused by an ibuprofen deficiency, that statement keeps me focused on why I do what I do.

Relief doesn’t get any safer than this.
As a chiropractor, I know that relief doesn’t get any safer than chiropractic care because the chiropractic profession has an excellent safety record. This is the result of a conservative and natural approach to health that avoids invasive procedures or drugs with side-effects. Proof of this lies in malpractice insurance claims and rates. For example, surgeons often pay over $250,000 a year for malpractice insurance and general family physicians about $25,000 a year. By comparison, as a chiropractic physician, I pay less than $3,000 per year in malpractice insurance, because today’s chiropractic protocols are safe and effective.
I use the Activator which is the #1 manipulation instrument in the world. Manual-thrust manipulation is safe, but it is self-evident that instrument adjusting is even safer. Relief doesn’t get any safer than the Activator Method.
So the next time you are having lower back or neck pain, instead of just reaching for the medication, please contact us to set up an appointment.