
Galaxy Gear? Fitbit? Jawbone? Garmin? Fuelband? Apple iWatch? An app on your smartphone? Old-school pedometer? It doesn’t really matter. I don’t care what kind of wearable activity tracker you use, just do something to measure your activity. Measuring your physical activity raises awareness of how much you move. Physical activity is movement. And, moving more…

We all suffer from inflammation issues to varying degrees. If you regularly take anti-inflammatory or pain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or Tylenol®, or similar prescription drugs, you are suffering from inflammation. If you have chronic aches and pains, such as: back pain, neck pain, headaches, arthritis, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, or general muscle and/or joint soreness,…

Stop by and get your FREE pedometer.   As a health care facility, we’re in business to help improve lives. Our latest mission helps remind our patients and clients to be more active: Stop by our office, ask for a pedometer and it will be given to you. Free.   Why? Because we care, and encouraging…

When your body’s motions are not aligned and balanced, problems are more likely to develop. Using one side of your body far more than the other, for example, can create uneven wear and serious back problems over time. If you don’t have back problems today, you probably will at some point. The more sedentary we’ve…

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